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Veena Purchon

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Socially conscious about water ...

Access to clean water should be a basic human right. However, the reality is in large parts of the world, that is not the case and many people struggle everyday with water poverty. Many families have to take approximately a 6 km round trip often through rough terrain to get to water and often it isn't even clean. This is not the only type of poverty we are experiencing today, with fuel prices soaring, the choices some families are making between heating and eating is also a stark reality.


Poverty has never been a distant third world problem, and it is more apparent than ever that ongoing water scarcity coupled with social and ecological challenges is compounding this issue. My work aims to respond to these concepts through the medium of painting.  


For more information about Veena's process, see the About and Portfolio pages.

Blue Water Slide

“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time”

Thomas Merton, Spiritual Writer

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